Launched in 2004, the Company carries out a wide variety of services associated with woodland and rural management; timber harvesting & marketing, coppice restoration, woodland thinning, woodfuel production, forestry mulching and site clearance, tree planting and aftercare, fencing, and hedge & boundary restoration. We can also provide woodland management advice and assistance. This includes felling licence applications, work programmes, full woodland management plans and assistance with obtaining woodland grant funding.
All rural managment work, especially sites designated as SSSI and ancient woodland. Contracts are undertaken throughout the UK, with the majority of work across Eastern England and the Midlands - Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Rutland, & Leicestershire.
Managed by Matthew Biddle & Nicole Ball, the Company has a network of sub-contractors to assist with the wide variety of work undertaken. Our clients vary from private estates, small landowners, to wildlife trusts and councils.